By | January 23, 2020

Masindi gained a district status from Bunyoro District Administration in 1976. Masindi District is the one from which both Kiryandongo and Buliisa districts were curved

Location and Size

Masindi District is located in the Mid-western part of Uganda, with its headquarters 216 Kms away from Kampala.  It borders: Nwoya in the North, Kiryandongo in the North – East, Nakasongola in the South East, Nakaseke in the South –South East, Kyakwanzi  in the South , Hoima in the South West and Buliisa in the West.  The District is at an average altitude of 1,295 meters above sea level, situated between 10 22‘ and 20 20‘ North of the Equator, longitude 310 22‘ and 320 23‘ East of Greenwich.

Budongo Forest is situated Budongo Sub County and the biggest Mahogany forest found in the whole of East Africa as well as habitat to the largest number of chimpanzees throughout Uganda.

The major tourist sites within this forest are: the Kaniyo Pabidi Ecotourism site, Busingiro Ecotourism site and Kaniyo Pabidi Ecotourism site which are located at boundaries to Murchison Falls National Park and dominated by Mahogany and Iron-wood trees. wildlife species within this forest.

How to Apply for Masindi District Vacancies

Apply for Masindi District Vacancies