By | February 13, 2020

The Pharmacy department is within the Faculty of Medicine and is home to a dynamic and innovative community of academic and support staff,its managing both postgraduates, and undergraduates, and is currently headed by Dr. Patrick Ogwang, PhD.

Academic programs offered are as follows:

1.      Bachelor of Pharmacy Degree,

2.      Master of Pharmacy Degree in Clinical Pharmacy

3.      Master of Science Degree in Pharmacognosy and Natural Medicine Science

4.      PhD track in various thematic areas of research

5.      Short Courses in Herbal Medicine and in Hospital Clinical Practice are also in the process of development.

The department is committed to ensuring that the students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, have the requisite skills for professional practice.

In this endeavor, undergraduates are introduced to aspects of patient care, Community Practice, Pharmacy Law and Ethics, and Pharmacy Management. This, we believe, helps churn out well-rounded graduates.

The Department has also been at the forefront of creating more opportunities for postgraduate training in response to the ever-dynamic pharmaceutical world.

Students’ learning and training opportunities are enhanced by hands-on learning, which includes off-site teaching at a range of Primary Health Care facilities, tertiary hospitals, regulatory organizations, Community pharmacies, as well as pharmaceutical industries.

In order to ensure advanced patient care that can change the world we live in, the department is dedicated to providing high-quality research-led teaching and supervision with a strong clinical focus.