Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST) Entry Requirements

Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST) 2023/2024 Entry Requirements
Direct Entry Requirements:
For Engineering and Technology applicants; possession of a Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with a minimum average pass of C grade in Mathematics, Physics / Engineering Science, and Chemistry.
Holder of Certificate of Secondary Education (CSEE) with a minimum average of D grade in five subjects, two of which must be Mathematics and Physics/ Engineering Science, with possession of TRADE TEST GRADE I / NVA LEVEL III issued by VETA. Check: Mbeya University of Science and Technology (MUST) Courses Offered
For candidates applying for Laboratory Science and Technology and Food Science and Technology possession of a Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE) with a minimum average pass of C grade in Physics / Engineering Science/ Mathematics, Biology, and Chemistry.
For candidates applying for an Ordinary Diploma in Business Administration, possession of a Certificate of Secondary Education (CSEE) with a minimum average pass of D grade in at least five subjects
Mature Entry Requirements:
In order to qualify for the examination a candidate must meet the following qualifications:-
(i) Possession of Certificate of Secondary Education with a minimum average of D grade in FIVE(5) subjects including Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics/Engineering Science
(ii) Holder of Certificate of Secondary Education (CSEE) with a minimum average of D grade in at least three subjects, two of which must be Mathematics and Physics/ Engineering Science, with possession of TRADE TEST GRADE I / NVA LEVEL III issued by VETA.
(i) Applicants with Direct Entry qualifications will continue to apply up to 7th October 2023.
(ii) The closing date for the first batch of Mature Age Entry applications is on 11th April 2016 and the second batch of Mature Age Entry applications is on 20th June 2023.
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