By | January 15, 2020

Ministry of Gender Labour and Social Development is a Government Ministry with a responsibility to empower communities in diverse areas. The Ministry promotes cultural growth, skills development and labour productivity while promoting gender equality, labour administration, social protection and transformation of communities.

This Ministry commonly call Ministry of Gender has one of its major tasks to ensure that all Ugandans enjoy  better standards of living, especially the disadvantages  and vulnerable groups.  

The Ministry came into being by a constitutional requirement of the 1995 Constitution, Chapters 4 and 16 which mandates government to: “empower communities to harness their potential through skills development, Labour productivity and cultural growth.” The constitution advocates for protection and promotion of fundamental rights of the poor and other vulnerable groups as well as institutions of traditional or cultural leaders.

Contact details

Plot 2, Simbamanyo House
P.O.Box 7136 George St,
Kampala, Uganda
+256 256414347854