By | June 16, 2023

Moshi Cooperative University Continuing Education

Moshi Cooperative University Continuing Education – see the list of courses offered at MoCU Continuing education…


This is a 39 weeks distance training Programme targeting low cadre employees in SACCOs. It is offered in Kiswahili to ensure that this group is given opportunity to comprehend training delivered.

It should be noted that a great number of SACCOs board members, managers and other employees in Tanzania have low education level and have difficulties comprehending training delivered in English.

With this version, relevant training materials have been prepared to meet the training level of this group.
The minimum entry requirement for this programme is Primary School Certificate. New Intakes usually start in mid-November each year.

There are Seven Training Modules (Moduli) covered in this programme namely; Moduli A: Hali na Sifa zinazobainisha Vyama vya Ushirika wa Akiba na Mikopo; Moduli B: Muundo na Uendeshaji wa Vyama vya Ushirika wa Akiba na Mikopo; Moduli C: Utunzaji Vitabu na Uhasibu katika Vyama vya Ushirika wa Akiba na Mikopo; Moduli D: Mikakati na Taratibu za Uanzishwaji wa Vyama vya Ushirika wa Akiba na Mikopo; Moduli E: Usimamizi wa Mikopo katika Vyama vya Ushirika wa Akiba na Mikopo; Moduli F: Uchunguzi na Ukaguzi Katika Vyama vya Ushirika wa Akiba na Mikopo and Moduli G: Mafunzo kwa Vitendo Katika Vyama vya Ushirika wa AKiba na Mikopo. The Tuition Fees for this proramme is Tshs 700,000 for Tanzanian Students and US $ 350 for Foreign Students. On successful completion of the Programme, candidates are awarded a Foundation Certificate in SACCOs Management.

For detailed information visit MoCU Website


This is a 39 weeks distance training Programme offered in English. The Program targets board members, managers and employees in SACCOs whose main aim is to acquire expertise and analytical skills relevant for the supervision and management of SACCOs.

This level of training provides hands-on practical skills to manage SACCOs. Candidates undertake their studies while at work.
The minimum entry requirement for this programme is Ordinary level certificate with at least five credit passes. New Intakes usually start in mid-November of every year.

Seven Modules are Covered which include; Module A: Nature and Distinguishing Features of SACCOs; Module B: Structure and Governance of SACCOs; Module C: Financial Management and Analysis for SACCOs; Module D: Strategies and Features for Setting up SACCOs; Module E: Credit Management in SACCOs; Module F: Surveillances in SACCOs; Module G: Training in SACCOs. In addition, the candidate will be required to undertake a Practical Assignment in SACCOs or any MFI.

The Tuition Fee is Tshs 700,000 for Tanzanian Students and US $ 350 for Foreign Students. On successful completion of the Programme, candidates shall be awarded a Professional Certificate in SACCOs Management.


This programme is designed to equip SACCOs leaders and other Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) practitioners with appropriate knowledge and analytical skills to carry out governance and managerial functions in SACCOs and other Microfinance Institutions in the local and internationally competitive financial environment.

The program is relevant to individuals who aspire to increase their academic and Professional knowledge in Governance and Management of SACCOs and other MFIs.
The minimum entry requirement is at least a first degree or advanced diploma in any field of study. The candidate will take a minimum of 18 months and a maximum of 27 months to be completed. The Candidate will undertake training while at work or at their home of residence.

Candidate will be provided with the Programme Calendar (Road map) and Timetable for Exercises, Timed tests, practical Assignment, and Final Examination.

Furthermore, candidates will be provided with Required Reading materials, Reference List, and Learners Hand Book to guide their learning process.

The programme starts in Mid-November every year.

The Modules Covered include: Advanced Microfinance Management; Monetary Economics and Financial systems; Business Law and Criminal Procedures; Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management; Accounting for Bankers; Gender Issues in Community Development, Co-operative Policy, and Legislation, Intermediate Computer applications; Microfinance Methodologies and Customer Services, Project Planning and Management and all other seven modules covered in PC-SACCOS.

The Tuition Fees is Tshs 1,300,000 (excluding direct cost to students) for Tanzanian Students and US $ 2000 (excluding direct cost to students) for Foreign Students.

On successful completion of the Programme, candidates shall be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in SACCOs Management (PGD-SACCOS Management).