MUK CoCIS CIPSD Short Courses May, July & Sept 2023 Intakes

MUK CoCIS CIPSD Short Courses May, July & Sept 2023 Intakes

Makerere University College of Computing & Information Sciences ‘Centre for Innovations and Professional Skills Development (CIPSD) is a highly regarded unit at Makerere University and plays a significant role in providing individuals with practical computer knowledge and skills to support a 21st-century knowledge-based economy.

The centre strategically offers training that is responsive to the needs of the society which is achieved through tailoring courses towards what the industry demands.

The Centre has been at the forefront to assist government and other organizations to build human capacity with various ICT skills.

The Centre has the capacity to enroll 5,000 students per annum because it has large-sized computer laboratories with a 500-seater capacity.

CIPSD’s mission is two-fold:

  1. To offer ICT professional skills development and incubation of new ideas, as well as, nurture new technology-based businesses; and
  2. To augment theoretical computing knowledge among individuals and ground them with relevant professional ICT skills for industries.


  1. Certificate in Computer Applications (CCA) @ UGX 200,000 for 5 weeks
    This is an introductory course that teaches one how to use a computer and the basic applications used in an office, business, or computing environment.
  2. Cisco Certified Networking Associate CCNA) @ UGX 700,000 for 6 months
    Designed for people who have no previous computer networking experience, school leavers, graduates, and mature entrants retraining for a second career. The course provides knowledge and skills related to network fundamentals, LAN switching technologies, etc.
  3. PC Repairs & Maintenance (IT ESSENTIALS) @ UGX 450,000 for 6 weeks
    This course provides an excellent introduction to IT and an interactive exposure to personal computers, hardware, and operating systems.
  4. Cisco Certified Networking Professional (CCNP) @ UGX 1,000,000 for 6 months
    The current CCNP curriculum is divided into two skill sets:
    Advanced routing & Core networking
    This course is the advanced level required of Network Engineers
  5. Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate /Microsoft Azure (Fundamentals and
    Administration) @ UGX 700,000 for 2 months per module

    This course is for professionals who examine and investigate company needs and then plan, design, install, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot Microsoft Windows Server solutions, SQL Database server systems etc. (Consists of 5 modules)
  6. ORACLE Database 19C @ UGX 800,000 for 3 months
    Administration Workshop Course Overview
    In this oracle certification, you will learn about Oracle database administrator practical experience in administering, monitoring, tuning and troubleshooting an Oracle database.
    Through a blend of hands-on labs and interactive lectures you will learn how to create database storage structures appropriate for the business applications supported by your database.
  7. Certificate in Graphics & Image Editing @ UGX 450,000 for 2 months
    Learn the design software programs that every pro needs to know: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Discover techniques for creating digital images, illustrations, and layouts, addressing fundamental concepts in color, typography, and composition.
  8. Dynamic Website Development @ UGX 500,000 for 2 months
    Get the skills and hands-on practice you need to succeed in the complex and challenging world of web development.
  9. Cyber Security Ops Associate @ UGX 700,000 for 2 months
    Students learn about the protection of computer systems and networks from the theft of or damage to their hardware, software, or electronic data, as well as from the disruption or misdirection of the services they provide.
  10. Certificate in Video Editing & Motion Graphics @ UGX 500,000 for 2 months
    In this certificate, you will learn how to edit and tell a story using Adobe Premiere Pro, use After Effects to create motion graphics and titles, and use Adobe’s Dynamic Linking to make the most efficient workflow possible.
  11. IC3 Digital literacy/ICDL @ UGX 1,400,000 UGX for 2 months
    (Internet Core Competency Certification) Digital Literacy certification is a global benchmark for basic computer literacy, operating systems, hardware, software, and networks.
  12. Ethical Hacking @ UGX 700,000 for 6 weeks
    Many depend on ethical hackers to identify weaknesses in their networks, endpoints, devices, or applications. The hacker informs their client as to when they will be attacking the system, as well as the scope of the attack. Ethical hacker operates within the confines of their agreement with their client.
    Who is best suited for a career in Ethical Hacking? Ethical hackers are generally experts in programming, cybersecurity, security analysis, and networking infrastructure. Ethical hackers tend to be out-of-the-box thinkers
  13. Artificial Intelligence (Machine Learning& Deep Learning) with PYTHON
    @ UGX 700,000 for 6 weeks

    This is a hands-on coding course that focuses on Labs and projects& It entails:
    • Implementing a linear regression model using Python and NumPy.
    • Building a decision tree classifier for a given dataset using sci-kit-learn.
    • Developing a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify images using TensorFlow or Keras.
    • Training a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) on a given text dataset to generate new text.
    • Implementing a reinforcement learning algorithm to train an agent to play a game. Etc
  14. Programming/Coding in PYTHON @ UGX 600,000 for 2 months
    This course will provide an introduction to programming using Python for highly motivated students with little or no prior experience in programming automated devices. The course will focus on planning and organizing programs, as well as the grammar of the Python programming language
  15. Data Analysis & Visualization Using PYTHON @ UGX 400,000 for 4 Weeks
    Python is a great language for doing data analysis, primarily because of the fantastic ecosystem of data-centric Python packages. Pandas is one of those packages and makes importing and analyzing data much easier.
    The course delves into Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
  16. 3D Computer Animation
    3D Computer Animation is a practice-led course that explores both the theory and practice of digital 3D animation in film, television, games, and interactive applications.
    For the Beginners’ Stage UGX 500,000 For the Intermediate Stage UGX 500,000 & For The Advanced Stage UGX 600,000 (7 Months Total Duration&1 Month Of Internship At Crossroads Multimedia Ltd)
  17. Computer Skills Bootcamps and Master Classes.
    We also organize special boot camps and master classes in January, March, June, August, October, and December. These hands-on practical sessions are meant to help participants brush up on their Computer skills.

Makerere University College of Computing & Information Sciences ‘Centre for Innovations and Professional Skills Development (CIPSD) invites all tech enthusiasts to enroll for our 2 Masterclasses in Data Science & 5G Technology slated for 31st May to 2nd June and 5th to 7th June 2023 respectively.

The Data Science class will have certified AI, Big Data, and Storage engineers doing the course delivery. This masterclass is designed to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of data science and its practical applications.

Over the course of three days, you will be introduced to the data science workflow and methodology, and learn how to collect, clean, and preprocess data. You will also explore supervised and unsupervised learning techniques, as well as deep learning techniques, to build models that can analyze data and make predictions.

In the 5G Technology Master class, Certified Radio Frequency Engineers in Ericsson & Huawei Technologies re-known to be the leading companies in the telecommunications industry will do the delivery.

  • Key features of 5G technology: High-speed internet, low latency, and massive connectivity
  • 5G Networks and Architecture, 5G Spectrum,5G Applications in Industries, 5G technology – revolutionizing various industries such as healthcare, transportation, and manufacturing
  • IoT and 5G, Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) in 5G, Smart Cities and 5G, 5G technology working in synergy with Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Security and Privacy associated with 5G technology,5G, and Edge Computing

Cost is UGX 100,000 per head per Masterclass

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