By | January 4, 2023

Muni University Cut Off Points

Here is the complete list of courses offered at Muni University for all programmes and admission requirements for the aacademic year .

We have gathered the full list of courses offered in Muni University and cut off point/requirements to enable prospective candidates to have knowledge of the various accredited courses available in this College.

As usual,  have arranged all courses offered in Makerere University for ease of identification for prospective candidates and students. Therefore we have deemed it necessary to publish the officially approved list of courses offered in Muni University  as it has become increasingly necessary based on data received as regards the subject matter. Here is a comprehensive list of courses offered in Muni University , therefore candidates aspiring to gain admission into the Muni University can go through the information provided.

Makerere offers Diploma and Certificate programs that help prepare students for higher education and also advance their careers.  They are usually under certain departments and short in length since they are intended to cover specific areas. They include:

BSc. Information Technology

Bachelor of Information Systems

BSc. with Education

Bachelor of Nursing Science

Bach. of Business Admin. & Mgt.

BSc. Agriculture

Bachelor of Education (Primary)

Postgrad. Dip. in Education

Office of the Academic Registrar

P.O. Box 725 Arua, Uganda

Tel: (+256) 476 420314 | Fax: (+256) 47620316

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 Academic Year / Intake
 Programme Title & code 
   2019/2020   2017/2018 
 Bachelor of Science in Information        
 Technology [ITM] 41.6 39.1  36.4 
Bachelor of Information Systems [ISM]       
   42.241.1 39.2 
 Bachelor of Science with Education        
 i) Biological [SMB] 34.1 36.9  32.2 
ii) Physical [SMP]
 Bachelor of Nursing Science [NSM]    