By | June 22, 2023

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM)

About Us About MUM


The Muslim University of Morogoro was founded by the Muslim Development Foundation (MDF) on 23rd October 2004 by a Charter proclaimed by MDF, the proprietors of the University. Studies commenced in 2005/2006.


The University is located north of the magnificent Uluguru Mountains, some 4 km from the center of Morogoro Municipality, about 300m off the Morogoro-Dodoma highway, and just about a 10-minute walk from the main bus terminal at Msamvu. The campus, surrounded by a wall and set in beautiful gardens, covers about 18 hectares.


The objectives of the Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) are to advance education through a variety of patterns, levels, and modes of study and by a diversity of means by encouraging and developing learning and creativity, for the benefit of the community.

Important Links

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Courses Offered

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Entry Requirements

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Application Deadline

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Application Forms

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Fee Structure

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Postgraduate Courses

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Prospectus

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Students Login Portal

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Online Application Forms

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Postgraduate Admission

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Undergraduate Application Forms

Muslim University of Morogoro (MUM) Diploma Courses Offered


 P. O. BOX 1031, Morogoro
PRO Contact:
 +255(0) 715 636 905
Admission Contacts:
 +255(0) 658 500 528
 +255(0) 765 064 179