Mzumbe University (MU) Application Deadline

Mzumbe University (MU) 2023/2024 Application Deadline
Mzumbe University invites applications from qualified Tanzanians and non-Tanzanians for admission into various Certificate and Diploma programmes offered by the University for the Academic year 2023/2024.
The University has Seven (7) Diplomas and Eight (8) Certificate Programmes.
Of the Seven (7) Diploma programmes, four (4) are offered at Mbeya Campus College while three (3) are offered at the Main Campus- Morogoro. Six (6) Certificate Programmes are offered at the Main Campus-Morogoro while two (2) are offered at Mbeya Campus College.
It should be noted that any programme with a code starting with MU is offered at the Main Campus while a programme with a code starting with MMB is offered at Mbeya Campus College as indicated in the table.
Mode of Application:
i. You should open the link and follow carefully the steps in the online application system.
Before you go to the online application system, make sure you have an active email address and a valid mobile phone number.
ii. Before proceeding with the application, please read carefully the programme entry requirements in parts A, B and C of this application
Academic calendar: November to October
Application deadline: There is no fixed deadline for application. Candidates can apply at any time, but admission is once a year, in October.
Point of contact/ where enquiries can be made:
Directorate of Research, Publications and Postgraduate Studies (DRPS)
P. O. Box 63, Mzumbe, Tanzania
Tel. +255 23 293120/1/2
Fax: +255 (0) 23 2604382
Mobile: +255 767 722733 OR +255 788 833337
Coordinator MRPP Programme
Department of Public Service and Human Resources Management
School of Public Administration and Management
P.O.Box 2, Mzumbe, Morogoro, Tanzania.
Tel: +255 232604381; +255652614606
E- mail:;