Mzumbe University (MU) Masters Fee Structure

Mzumbe University (MU) 2023/2024 Masters Fee Structure
The following information may be useful in estimating costs that are payable directly to the student.
The costs are only indicative of the average market rates. Hence, it is upon students and their sponsors to reach an agreeable living cost for them to pursue their programmes from any of the campuses in the university, comfortably. For example, students pursuing their programmes from their homes might not need money for accommodation.
These Master’s degree programmes are all for ONE AND HALF YEARS duration and require students to complete THREE Semesters of SEVENTEEN weeks each.
It requires candidates to successfully complete COURSE WORK during semesters 1-2 and DISSERTATION WRITING during semester 3. In semesters 1-2, the student will have to complete a total of TEN courses i.e. FIVE courses in each semester and DISSERTATION WRITING in the 3rd semester during which they will stay off campus.
Accommodation is Tshs. 178,500 per annum for a few who will be able to secure rooms in
hostels on campus and between Tshs. 5,000/= and 20,000/= per day for those staying off campus in private accommodation. Private accommodation can be secured through www.
Food is estimated at Tshs. 10,000/= – 15,000/= per day
Books and stationeries Tshs. 1,000,000/= per year.
Students staying on campus will need caution money of Tshs. 100,000/=, which is refundable, after clearance, on completion of studies.
The cost for writing a dissertation including data collection in the field should be determined by individual sponsors or guardians though it is approximated between Tshs. 5,000,000/= and Tshs.10, 000, 000/= (or even higher), depending on the type of research and where it is conducted.
The University reserves the right to change fees at any time without notice.
Fees once paid are not refundable unless under special circumstances.
(The exchange rate is estimated to be 1 USD= 2314.99 USD)