Mzumbe University (MU) Online Application

Mzumbe University invites applications from qualified Tanzanians and non-Tanzanians for admission into Certificate, Diploma and Bachelor programmes offered by the University for the academic year 2023/2024.
The University has Seven (7) Diplomas and Eight (8) Certificate Programmes. Of the Seven (7) Diploma programmes, four (4) are offered at Mbeya Campus College while three (3) are offered at the Main Campus- Morogoro. Six (6) Certificate Programmes are offered at the Main Campus-Morogoro while two (2) are offered at Mbeya Campus College.
Any programme with a code starting with “MU” is offered at Mzumbe University – Main Campus; while the code starting with “MDA” is offered at the Mzumbe University-Dar es Salaam Campus College (MUDCCo) and a code starting with “MMB” is offered at the Mzumbe University-Mbeya Campus College (MUMCCo).
Mzumbe University urges all applicants to read carefully the entry qualifications provided hereunder before embarking on the application to choose their preferred programmes.
The application deadline for Non-Degree is 10-10-2023
View general and specific minimum entry requirements for non-degree programmes
The Directorate of Research, Publications and Postgraduate Studies, Mzumbe University invites applications for admission to the Master’s programmes for the 2023/2024 academic year from qualified candidates
View general and specific minimum entry requirements for Masters programmes
Application fee: TShs. 30,000.00 (for local applicants) or USD 30.00 (for international /foreign applicants)
Application Deadline November-Intake: 29-10-2023gi
For the Main Campus (Mzumbe, Morogoro):
Director of Research, Publications and Postgraduate Studies,
Mzumbe University,
P.O.Box 63, MOROGORO .
Tel. +255 23 293120/1/2; Fax: +255 (0) 23 2604382 OR .