NACTVET Tanzania Examination

NACTVET Tanzania Examination

. Procedures for examination assessment

The NACTE has established procedures for assessment in order to maintain the standards and quality of NACTE Awards.

These procedures set a common platform to guarantee the maintenance of level ground for the administration of the assessment.

Proper application of the same will translate to graduates equipped with requisite technical knowledge, abilities, and skills which measure up to acceptable levels of attainment in the relevant professional area.

2. General Policy Framework for Assessment

The process of the training program cannot be completed without evaluation. On the other hand, the student’s academic or professional achievement acquired through the formal teaching-learning process, cannot be complete without an effective assessment process.

Therefore, the measurement of academic or professional achievement of students is based on their successes in assessment.

Therefore the purpose of assessment is to determine whether students have successfully achieved the learning outcomes and fulfilled the academic requirements of the course and of the modules within it, as stated in the curriculum and in the Country’s educational aims, and attained the standard required for the award to which it leads.

The seriousness of such a measurement cannot be underestimated.
In order to produce the quality of output from technical institutions required for the labor market, the need for General Policy Framework for Assessment Conducted by NACTE and Autonomous Technical Institutions is imperative. Such Policy Framework will establish regulations and procedures under which examinations will be administered and conducted to all students in technical institutions and private candidates.
The National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) has thus developed the General Policy Framework for Assessment Conducted by NACTE and Autonomous Technical Institutions, which intends to establish efficient and effective tools for the Administration of Examinations conducted by the Technical Institutions and the Council.
For more information, click the link below to download the document.
Refined Exams General Policy Framework

3. Examination regulations

Click the link below to download the document
Examination Regulations