NACTVET Tanzania Registration Procedure and Guidelines

The National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) is a statutory body established by Act of Parliament Cap. 129 to oversee and coordinate the provision of technical education in Tanzania provided by non-university tertiary institutions. Section 5(1) (a) of the National Council for Technical Education Act, 1997 empowers the Council to register and accredit Technical Institutions capable of delivering courses Registration is mandatory (registration Regulations) (government notice No. 279 published on 26/10/2001)
NACTE, therefore, deals with many disciplines and sectors. The Council has clustered the various technical fields into three subject areas and established a Subject Board to handle each subject area. The three subject area and their corresponding subject Boards are: –
- Business, Tourism and Planning (BTP)
- Health and Allied Sciences (HAS)
- Science and Allied Technologies (SAT)
Registration Requirements
Any institution applying for registration has to meet the following requirements: –
- Provide evidence that the proposed institutions meet the legal requirements for the establishment of the same. This means being in possession of a document showing the establishment and ownership of the institution such as Constitutions; Charter; Article of Association; and Business license (where applicable)
- The applicant institution should also provide evidence of the extent to which the institution is viable to deliver training programmes, that is its ability to provide the intended training.
To ensure this the following should be availed to NACTE:-
- Curriculum for the intended programme approved by NACTE (i.e. market-oriented competence-based curriculum, modular in format)
- Master plan of the institutions; evidence of sources of funding other than students’ fees.
- Adequate infrastructure, human, physical and financial resources.
- Evidence of physical structure development or hire of premises.
- Evidence of procuring and /or plans for acquiring equipment and learning materials.
- The organizational structure of the institutions and
- Name and CV of Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Registration awards
The registration of a technical institution is granted under the following categories;
- Full registration: Granted to institutions that are fully operational and have acquired enough experience, and human, physical and financial resources to ensure sustainability for running its programmes.
- Provisional registration: Granted to institutions that have resources (human, physical and financial) of the first two years of the programmes duration of three or more
- Preparatory registration: Granted to the institution that is still under preparation of establishment and are not allowed to admit students.
Registration process
These are the procedures used by the council in the registration process of technical institutions: –
- Applicant institution request NACTE to register a technical institution by official letter;
- Applicant institution Fill-in the NACTE “Form for registration of technical intuitions”
- Attach the relevant documents as pe (2) above and others identified in the form and
- Submit the request to NACTE. Then
- NACTE verify the application submitted by applicant institution;
- NACTE appoints experts from the relevant occupational field as verification team for the physical verification of the applicant institution
- The Council inform the applicant institution about the physical verification by official letter
- The verification team submits report to the relevant subject board for recommending the registration stage.
- The subject board submits reports to the Council for decision; NACTE inform the applicant institution on the decision of the Council by official letter;
- NACTE grants registration certificate upon receiving registration fee.
NB: An institution may have its application for registration deferred or rejected if it does not satisfy the registration requirements for any of the three awards or offers programmes that are lower than those falling under the ambit of NACTE.
National Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (NACTVET)
P. O. Box 17007,
Mwangosi Road, 41110 Kilimani,
Dodoma – Tanzania.
Mobile: +255 262323121, +255 733 777751
Fax: +255 22 2780060