By | January 13, 2020

Dear visitors, well wishers and citizens of Uganda, we welcome you to Our District Website. Nakaseke District is a district in Central Uganda. It is named after Nakaseke, the largest town in the district. However, the district headquarters are located at Butalangu.

Nakaseke District is divided into the following administrative units: Kapeeka, Ngoma, Kinyogoga, Wakyaato, Nakaseke Town Council, Kasangombe, Semuto and Kikamulo.

Farming is the main economic activity in the district. Activities include the cultivation of coffee, maize, beans, bananas, cassava, sweet potatoes, vegetables such as tomatoes, cabbage and fruits including pineapples and mangoes. Fishing in the area swamps, raising of cattle (for meat and milk), goats and chicken are some of the activities carried out in the area. About 90 percent of the farmers use traditional farming methods and techniques. The produce finds ready market in Kampala.

How to Apply for Nakaseke District Vacancies

Apply for Nakaseke District Vacancies

Contact Details

Nakaseke District Local Government

P.O Box