By | January 9, 2020

NFA was established under section 52 of The National Forestry and Tree Planting Act and was launched on the 26th April 2004. Forestry policy 2001. NFA is mandated to; “Manage Central Forest Reserves on a sustainable basis and to supply high quality forestry-related products and services to government, local communities and the private sector”.
NFA has a vision of Contributing to a sufficiently forested, ecologically stable and economically prosperous Uganda.

Forest cover stands at about 1.9 million hectares (ha), which is 10% of Uganda’s land cover area. The forests comprise both natural and plantations. “Natural forests” include both the tropical high forests (THF) and other naturally wooded land that falls within the definition of “forest”

Forest-based Tourism is one of the activities that the Authority views as a key contributor to its revenue generation as well as building and enhancing partnerships with the private sector, Non-Government Organisations and local communities. Ecotourism is also expected to improve on the Authority’s public image both internationally and locally.

The Tree Seed Centre has built standard infrastructure to collect, process, test, store and distribute tree seeds of over 100 indigenous and exotic species. The laboratory is equipped to test seed for quality assurance using the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) Guidelines. For storage the Centre has ambient rooms, and the cold room (4oC).

How to Apply for National Forestry Authority Vacancies

Apply for National Forestry Authority Vacancies

Contact Details

National Forestry Authority 
Head Offices

Plot 10/20, Spring Road,P.O. Box 70863, Kampala – Uganda

Telephone Contacts:
Fax :+256-414-230369