By | July 5, 2019

Nkumba University Courses Offered

Below are the List of Courses Offered at Nkumba University

Nkumba University Professional/Short Courses
Nkumba University School of Business Administration  Courses
Nkumba University School of Commercial Industrial Art and Design Courses
Nkumba University School of Education, Humanities and Sciences Courses
Nkumba University School of Law Courses
Nkumba University School of Sciences Courses
Nkumba University School of Social Sciences  Courses

School of Business Administration

The programmes offered in the School of Business Administration in detail are:

Post Graduate Courses

Bachelors Degree Courses

Diploma Courses

Certificate Course

Undergraduate Course

Courses at School of Law

Bachelor of Laws (LLB)

Bachelor of Criminal Justice (BCJ)

  1. The Degree Course covers a minimum period of 3 (three) academic years, that is 6 (six) semesters.
  2. A student may obtain the Bachelor of Criminal Justice Degree in a shorter period where that student is exempted from one or more years whose courses he must have passed at Diploma level. A student in this case must have scored 60% and above in the respective courses.
  3. A student may take longer than 3 (three) years to obtain the degree where, in the discretion of the Examiners’ Board, he repeats a year or has been allowed a dead year.
  4. The degree shall be obtained within a maximum period of 5 (five) academic consecutive years, including, where applicable, a dead year.

Diploma in Criminal Justice (DCJ)

  1. The Diploma Course covers a minimum period of 1 (one) academic year, that is 2 (two) semesters.
  2. A student may take longer than 1 (one) year to obtain the diploma where, in the discretion of the Examiners’ Board, he repeats a year or has been allowed a dead year.
  3. The diploma shall be obtained within a maximum period of 2 (two) academic consecutive years, including, where applicable, a dead year.

School of Sciences

The school has the following courses:

Post Graduate Courses

Bachelors Degree Courses

Diploma Courses

Certificate Courses

School of Social Sciences

The following are the courses offered in the school:

Post Graduate Courses

Bachelors Degree Courses

Diploma Courses

Contact Us

Main Campus, Entebbe  

For any inquiries please contact:

Timothy Odeke: 0782741948

Esther Nansaba: 0775037833

Vice Chancellor’s Office

Physical Address:  28 Km, Entebbe High way

Postal Address:    P.O. Box 237, Entebbe


Academic Registrar’s Office

Contact Person:   Administrator

Physical Address: 28 Km, Entebbe High way

Postal Address:    P.O. Box 237, Entebbe

Phone:                +256 414 320 283, +256 414 321 448, +256 414 374 491


Kampala Campus

Contact Person:   The Director

Physical Address:  Mengo, Kabaka Anjagala Rd, Next to Lubaga Rd Roundabout

Postal Address:     P.O. Box 237, Entebbe

Phone:                 +256 772 629 066, +256 759 009 006, +256 701 264 949, +256 774 264 949
