By | January 14, 2020

Oyam became a District on July 1st 2006, having been curved out of its mother district of Apac. While still under Apac, Oyam was the largest county.

It is located in the Northern part of Uganda between longitudes 32° 2’E, 32° 10’E and latitudes 2° 0’N, 2°7’N. It has it total population of 366,200 people.

It is bordered by the Districts of Gulu in the North, Kiryandongo in the South West, Nwoya in the West, Apac in the South and Kole in the East.

The District is composed of One County of Oyam divided into Oyam North and Oyam South. The district comprises of 12 sub counties i.e. Loro, Minakulu, Aber, Acaba, Ngai, Iceme, Otwal, Abok, Myene, Aleka, Kamdini, and Oyam Town Council.

The Sub Counties are further sub divided into 61 parishes and 910 Villages.

Oyam Town Council is divided into 2 (Two Wards) i.e. East Ward and West Ward. It has 12 Cells.

A peaceful and prosperous community for sustainable development.

To serve the community through co-ordinated delivery of services which focuses on national and local priorities and contribute to the improvement in the quality of life in the district.

How to Apply for Oyam District Vacancies

Apply for Oyam District Vacancies

Contact Details

P.O Box 01, Uganda |

Tel: +256-772-480054 |
