List Of Best A Level Schools In Uganda

The A Level (Advanced Level) is a subject-based qualification conferred as part of the General Certificate of Education, as well as a school leaving qualification offered by the educational bodies. In Uganda, students receive the Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) when they finish the 2-year upper secondary school which is also called…Read More »

List Of Government Aided Nursing Schools In Uganda

A nursing school is a type of educational institution, or part thereof, providing education and training to become a fully qualified nurse. The nature of nursing education and nursing qualifications varies considerably across the world. Since the mid 20th century nursing education in many countries has undergone many…Read More »

List Of Government Aided Schools In Uganda

Government schools are those which are completely owned and control by the government. The government is in charge of the curriculum, study materials, fee structure, syllabus, examinations, of these schools. Whereas government aided school is owned by a private management but gets aid from the government Below is the list…Read More »

List Of Aviation Schools In Uganda

Aviation refers to flying using an aircraft, like an aeroplane. It also includes the activities and industries related to flight, such as air traffic control. The biggest of the many uses of aviation are in air travel and military aircraft. Below is the list of Aviation Schools…Read More »

List Of All Secondary Schools In Uganda

Secondary school is a school intermediate between elementary school and college and usually offering general, technical, vocational, or college-preparatory courses Below are the List Of All Secondary Schools In Uganda Immaculate Heart Girls School Kisubi Seminary Buddo SS St Mary’s College Kisubi Naalya SS Bweyogerere St…Read More »

List Of Paramedic Schools In Uganda

Becoming an emergency medical technician (EMT) or paramedic can take anywhere from one to three years, depending on a student’s choice of career and educational path. EMT training focuses on life support techniques in first-response situations, including CPR, tourniquet application, and treatment…Read More »

List Of Top Teaching Schools In Uganda

Teaching colleges provide classes to help prepare people to teach at various levels. These may include elementary, middle and secondary school levels, as well as special education, adult education, vocational education, or English as a second language. Where to study Teaching Courses In Uganda? National Teachers College, Kaliro…Read More »

List Of Top Nursing Schools In Uganda

A nursing school is a type of educational institution, or part thereof, providing education and training to become a fully qualified nurse. The nature of nursing education and nursing qualifications varies considerably across the world. Since the mid 20th century nursing education in many countries has undergone many…Read More »