Requirements For A Residence Permit In Tanzania

Requirements For A Residence Permit In Tanzania

Residence Permit Class A may be granted to a person who intends to reside in Tanzania and engage in trade, Business, Profession, Agriculture, Animal husbandry, prospecting of Minerals, or manufacturing.


  1. Dully filled online application
  2. Application letter
  3. Work Permit issued by Labour Commissioner (Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar)
  4. A Copy of the National Passport (With a validity of not less than six months)
  5. Passport size photograph,
  6. One full-size photograph,
  7. Registration Certificates from Relevant Authorities (in case the Business requires Authorization from specific Regulatory Authority),
  8. Certificate of Incentive (in case the business or project has been registered with Tanzania Investment Centre – TIC or Zanzibar Investment Promotion Authority – ZIPA and EPZA),
  9. Board Resolution i.e. Extract of the Board Meeting resolving to appoint the applicant as a Director (where the applicant is not among the first Director),
  10. Memorandum and Articles of Association or Extract from Registrar showing Company shareholders, share distribution, and nominal capital of the company
  11. Certificate of incorporation or Certificate compliance or Business Name Registration or Certificate of change of name
  12. Valid Business license,
  13. Certificate of registration for Taxpayers (TIN),
  14. Valid tax clearance certificate,
  15. Tax payment slips,
  16. Lease agreement or Certificate of Occupancy,
  17. List which shows company assets,
  18. Physical Verification Visit Report (PVV) where necessary*
  19. Company Current Bank Statement where necessary

How much does it cost to get a residence permit in Tanzania?

Cost for Residence Permit Class A: USD 3050. USD 1550 For East African citizens. USD1000 for Diaspora investors.