Ruaha Catholic University (RUCU) Short Courses Offered
The University is recognized as one of the best and leading institutions in short-course training for public and private sectors in East and Central Africa. In collaboration with national and international training Institutions, “the Directorate provides short course training in order to enhance public, private and religious organizations through innovative approaches and creative learning models.”
As a training institution, Ruaha Catholic University boasts over 15 years experience of in training in business management, accountancy, law, cultural tourism, Education, Pharmacy, good governance, information computer technology, computer investigation, Internet investigation and digital forensics. Below is the short course calendar for 2022. For more information contact the Director of the Directorate at +255754310906.
Short courses to be offered from January, 2022 to December, 2022
Fundamentals of Criminal Investigation and Intelligence course
- Fraud investigation Course
- Cyber security Course
- Computer and Internet Fraud Course
- Project Monitoring and Evaluation course
- Office Management and Customer care for Secretaries
- Negotiation skills and Report writing course
- Money Laundering Course
- Auditor’s Fraud-Related Responsibilities Course
- Management Fraud Related Responsibilities Course
- Good Governance and Ethics course
- Labour Dispute and Dispute Resolution Course
- Leadership Training for Local Government Officials Course
- Good Governance Course for Councilors and Head of Departments of Local Authorities
- Contract and procurement fraud Course
- Corporate Governance and Prevention of Fraud Course
- Transparency and Accountability as sustainable factor for Good Governance Course
- LGA Legislation and Responsibilities course
- Management and Leadership skills in LGA course
- LGA, Budgeting and budget Management course
- LGA, Financial Management and control course
- Procurement and contract Management course
- LGA Revenue Mobilization and Q&M Budgeting Course
- LGA Development Planning and strategic planning course
- Data, information and Records Management in LGA’S
- African History and Cultural tourism in Tanzania (Foreign Students)
- Leadership and management for religious related organizations
- Land Disputes for religious related organizations
- Labour Dispute and Dispute Resolutions for religious related organizations
- Financial Management for religious related organizations.
- CCNA Security
- Kiswahili Language for foreigners
- Negotiation skills and Report writing
- Strategic Business Marketing for Business performance
- Leadership and Management Training for women Leaders
- Fraud awareness Training for CEo’s
- Effective meetings and Minutes Writing Course
- OPRAS Training to HR officers, administrators, supervisors, and interested parties
- Contract Management and Negotiation Skills
- Principles and practice of good governance
- Terrorism and investigation of Terrorism Acts
- Project write-up for small and large projects
- Land rights and church property management
- Management and evaluation of investment project in LGA’S
- Kazi na wajibu wa Diwani na wakuu wa idara katika Halmashauri
- Office management Skills for Executive Secretaries, and Registry Personnel
- Effective Grant writing and Report Writing Course
- Protection of a Child
- Arbitration Training Course in Tanzania
- Computer Driving Certificate (CDC)
- International Certificate of CISCO certificate Network Associate (CCNA)
- Internal Certificate in information Technology (IT) Essentials
- Certificate in secretarial and office Management
- Certificate of Accounting packages (e.g. Tally, Quick Books)
- Geographic Information systems (GIS)
- System Analysis and Design (SAD)
- Management skill training
- Basic pedagogical and Research skills Training
- Communication, study and Logic skills Training
- Entrepreneurship Training and Business advisory services
- Office equipment maintenance and repair (e.g. computers, printers)