SAUT Undergraduate Courses Offered

SAUT Undergraduate Courses
If you have high academic potential and you are looking for a graduate university with an international ethos and a vibrant community, then St Augustine University of Tanzania is the ideal choice for you.
cHECK: St. Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT) Application Forms
The University has many special features that combine to give it a distinct character:
- With about 7,037 students, 28 lecture theatres, and the Mario Mgulunde Learning Resource Centre, the University ensures that its members can share the learning facilities in an intimate and friendly community atmosphere.
- St Augustine University has the highest proportion of experienced and highly committed members of academic and administrative staff for the size of its students.
- Men and women come to St Augustine University of Tanzania from all over the world and from a wide variety of backgrounds, and there is a good mix of students on one- or two- or three- or four-year taught courses and those pursuing research degrees.
- Students at SAUT share learning facilities on equal terms. This enables the free flow of knowledge and experience which any graduate should rightly expect from an academic community like SAUT.
P.O.BOX 307,
Malimbe-Mwanza Tanzania
+255 028 2981 186, +255 028 2981 187
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