St. John’s University of Tanzania (SJUT) Application Forms

St. John’s University of Tanzania (SJUT) Application Forms
Undergraduate Application Procedure
All applications are done through TCU Central Admission System (CAS) on for direct entry qualifications (ACSEE) and equivalent entry qualifications (with a diploma).
For further details please contact:
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Academic
St John’s University of Tanzania,
P.O. Box 47, Dodoma, Tanzania
Mob: +255 712 882 734 Tel: +255-26-239 0044 Fax: +255-26-239 0025
Email:, Website:
Postgraduate Application Procedure
Application forms may be collected from the Office of Admissions, St John’s University of Tanzania and its Centres in Dodoma or downloaded from the University website whereby one can also download a copy of the fee structure.
- All applications must be accompanied by certified copies of relevant academic certificates along with two reference forms. All referees could be persons who are academically familiar with the applicant, either as his/her undergraduate tutor/lecturer, or research supervisor, or one of them could be a professional associate (immediate manager or employer) for those employed, but NOT relatives or just friends. Reference forms filled by none of the above-mentioned persons on the academic suitability of the candidate will not be accepted.
2. Duly filled in application forms accompanied with relevant copies of academic certificates, birth certificates, and attached original bank pay-in-slip for the payment of the non-refundable application fee of TShs.30,000/= (US$ 40 for non-Tanzanians) paid to our University account at CRDB, Income A/C No. 01J1082864000, Dodoma Branch should be submitted at the University, Centres or addressed to:
Director of Graduate Studies
St John’s University of Tanzania
P.O. Box 47, Dodoma, Tanzania
Mob: +255 712 882 734 Tel: +255-26-239 0044 Fax: +255-26-239 0025 Email:, Website:
Diploma and Certificate Application Procedure
MODE OF APPLICATION: Can be done through NACTE on Central Admission System (CAS) on; for further assistance on how to apply online you can visit our Office of Admissions, St John’s University of Tanzania in Dodoma.
How to apply for OAS Online Application
The Vice Chancellor of St John’s UNIVERSITY OF TANZANIA ( SJUT ), invites suitably qualified candidates for admission into various Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor and Postgraduate programmes for the academic year.
Applicants are required to apply online through this portal and follow the instructions given to complete their applications. Payment can be done via mobile money (M-Pesa, Tigo Pesa and Airtel Money) or directly into SJUT bank account – CRDB Bank after getting the Control Number.
In case of Technical Problems during the application process please contact our IT Staff at 0712882734. For issues to deal with courses of study and clarifications of Entry requirements please contact our Admissions office at 0754285909
Applicants must: Carefully read and understand the Programmes Admission Requirements
Click link to start the application: Start Application