Stella Maris Mtwara University College STEMMUCO Courses Offered

Stella Maris Mtwara University College (STEMMUCO) for the time being offers undergraduate degree , Diploma and Certificate programmes. As from 2013/2014, more degree and some certificate programmes will be added. Prospective students are advised to follow the instructions and guidelines that are well-detailed on the admission page. The programmes to be offered from 2014/2015 are :
See Also Stella Maris Mtwara University College Applications
Find all courses offered by Stella Maris Mtwara University College, Find certificate, diploma, degree, masters, doctorate and postgraduate diploma courses offered by Stella Maris Mtwara University College.
Bachelor of Arts with Education (BAED)
Bachelor of Philosophy with Education (BAPHILED)
•Bachelor of Arts with Sociology (BASO)
•Bachelor of Philosophy with Political Science (BAPHILOP)
•Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
•Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
•Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BAEC)
•Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics (BSc.MS)
•Diploma in Business Administration
•Diploma in Accountancy
•Diploma in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
•Diploma in Librarianship and Records Management
•Diploma in Community Development
•Diploma in Primary Education
•Diploma in Law
•Certificate in Librarianship and Records Management
•Certificate in Business Administration
•Certificate in Accountancy
•Certificate in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
•Certificate in Law
Bachelor of Arts with Education (BAED) Full Time.
(b) Bachelor of Arts with Education (BAED) Weekend.
(c) Bachelor of Philosophy with Political Science (BPHLOP).
(d) Bachelor of Philosophy with Education (BAPHLED).
(e) Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (BASO).
(f) Bachelor of Laws (LLB).
(g) Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BAEC)
(h) Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and Statistics (BSc.MS)
(i) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) (Full-time; Evening; Weekend) Specializations:Accounting and Finance
supply Chain Human Resource Management