Tag: Scholarship

MUST Application For PhD Scholarships

MUST Application For PhD Scholarships Background The MUST-IUC Partnership titled “University as a Facilitator for Community-Based Sustainable Solutions to Demographic Challenges in South-Western Uganda”  hereafter referred to as UCoBS is a 10-year (2022-2032) collaborative partnership project between Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST),…Read More »

St. Augustine International University Scholarships

St. Augustine International University Scholarships CALL FOR SCHOLARSHIPS OFFERS BY  HIGHER EDUCATION STUDENTS’ FINANCING BOARD IN CONJUNCTION WITH ST. AUGUSTINE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY The Higher Education Students’ Financing Board in collaboration with St. Augustine International University wishes to inform the entire public that…Read More »

Kumi University Scholarships

Kumi University Scholarships KUMI University Scholarships are awarded to the following categories: – Overseas Exchange Program: Undergraduate and Post Graduate– Korean government sponsored scholarships– Student Exchange Programs: Chungnam National University,  Chungbuk National University, Handong University, Hannan University, Hanyang University, Jeonju University, Kangnam…Read More »