TUDARCo Diploma Courses Offered

Certificate in Accountancy and Business Administration (CABA)
Certificate in Records Management (CRM)
Certificate of Law (CL)
Diploma in Business Administration and Management. (DBAM)
Diploma in Law (DL)
Diploma in Christian Ministry (DCM)
Diploma in Intercultural Relations (DIR) offered at Zanzibar Campus
All applicants can apply online through osim.tudarco.ac.tz or visit us at Mwenge Campus
along Coca cola Road.
For more information contact:
The Deputy Provost for Academic Affairs
P.O. Box 77588
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Tel. +255 22-2760426
Fax: 255-22-2760432
Mobile: +255 786 929 770/ +255 736 929 770
Email: dpaa@tudarco.ac.tz
Website: www.tudarco.ac.tz.