UAHEB DCM Past Papers
Examination Instructions
No candidate may enter the test/examination hall later than 15 minites after test/examination session has commenced and no candidate may leave the test/examination hall earlier than half an hour after the test/examination has commenced
Candidates are obliged to execute immediately all instructions given by an invigilator
All conversations or any form of communication between candidates must cease once the test/examination has commenced
Check UAHEB DCM Past Papers here
Candidates may not take into the test/examination hall or have in their possession any unauthorized apparatus, books, notes or paper of whatever nature or size
Mobile phones, recording apparatus and any electronic equipment are prohibited in the /examination hall
No candidate may assist or attempt to assist another candidate or obtain assistance or attempt to obtain assistance from candidate with regard to any information during the test/examination
Writing on paper other than that supplied for the test/examination purposes is strictly prohibited.
Candidates shall not write on the question paper unless they are required to fill in answers or to respond to multiple choice questions
Rough work should be done in the test/examinations answer book and then crossed out. Pages must NOT be removed from the answer book
Only in exceptional circumstances will a candidate be given permission to leave the test/examination hall temporarily, and then only under the permission of the invigilator
In NO circumstances must answer books, used or unused, be removed from the examination room by a candidate
When the invigilator announces that the time has expired, candidates must stop writing immediately
otherwise the candidate will be reported to the Examinations Security
For essay questions begin a number on a fresh page
Write the number of the question at the top of each page
Please Note:
Candidates are seriously warned about contravening any of these instructions.
See Also: