UAHEB 2023 Exams

The Uganda Allied Health examinations Board was established by the BTVET Act 2008 to streamline , regulate and coordinate examinations and awards in Allied Health Profession in Uganda. It is composed of thirteen (13) members drawn from the constituencies involved in Health Training , Stake Holders and Professionals.

The Board members oversee the smooth running of the Board and from time to time come up with decisions/ policies that create a basis for implementation by the Secretariat.


This is the implementation arm of the Board and is headed by the Executive Secretary. The secretariat has several departments which include: Administration, Finance, Examinations,Records and Procurement.

Examination Fees

Below are the details of fees for the respective years of study.

 First year students for semester one pay as follows:

–   Examinations fees – 150,000/=,

–   Registration – 20,000/=,

–   Examination rules and guidelines – 11,000/=,

–     Logbook – 30,000/= Total – 211,000/=.

Second year students semester one pay 150,000/= as examination fees only.


–   Retake fees per paper is 30,000/=

–   Examination rules and guidelines is 11,000/=for all candidates.

–   Research guidelines for diploma final candidates is 11,000/=.

–   Logbook replacement 30,000/=.