UAHEB Offices
The Uganda Allied Health examinations Board was established by the BTVET Act 2008 to streamline , regulate and coordinate examinations and awards in Allied Health Profession in Uganda. It is composed of thirteen (13) members drawn from the constituencies involved in Health Training , Stake Holders and Professionals.
The Board members oversee the smooth running of the Board and from time to time come up with decisions/ policies that create a basis for implementation by the Secretariat.
This is the implementation arm of the Board and is headed by the Executive Secretary. The secretariat has several departments which include: Administration, Finance, Examinations, Records and Procurement.
Vision: To be a Centre of excellence in provision and management of Quality Allied Health Examinations in the Region.
Mission: To efficiently and effectively conduct Allied Health examinations, Accredit examination centers and award Certificates.
Core Values: Integrity; Confidentiality; Teamwork; Professionalism; Transparency & Accountability
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