By | April 22, 2022

UBTEB National Certificate (Technical and Vocational ) Paper Formats

Year 1
Paper Name and Code Examination Format
TCTM 101: Applied
Technician Mathematics I
TCCS 101: Life Skills
TCES 101: Electrical
Installation Science
Each paper shall consist of eight questions and the candidate will be required to answer any five.

All questions shall carry equal marks.
The questioning techniques to be applied should seek for the candidate’s ability to remember, comprehend, apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate conditions.
Duration shall be three hours.
TCES 102: Engineering Drawing The paper shall consist of six questions in sections A and B.
Section A shall consist of two questions on either Orthographic, isometric or oblique projection carrying
40marks each.

The candidate will be required to answer one question.
Section B shall consist of five questions on geometrical constructions and the candidate will answer any three.
Each question in this section will carry 20marks.
The questioning techniques to be applied should seek for the candidate’s ability to remember, comprehend, apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate conditions.
Duration shall be three hours.
TCES 103: Electrical Installation Practice
The paper shall consist of two compulsory practical questions on Electrical Supply and Installation, and Solar PV Technology.
Each question shall carry 50 marks.
UBTEB shall send in advance cutting lists of materials required for the examinations to enable institutions prepare early.
UBTEB shall also send an onsite assessor to award the marks as candidates perform the tasks.
The questioning techniques to be applied should seek for the candidate’s ability to comprehend, apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate conditions.
The duration shall be six hours.
TCCA 101: Computer Applications
The paper shall consist of three questions carrying 50 marks each.

A candidate will be required to answer any two questions.
A print out of the practical outputs together with the soft copies of all files used will be sent to UBTEB.
The questioning techniques to be applied should seek for the candidate’s ability to remember, comprehend, apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate conditions.
The duration of this practical examination shall be two hours.
TCES 104: Electrical
Supply Systems
The paper shall consist of eight questions in two sections A and
B. Section A shall comprise Electrical Supply and Installation, and Section B Solar PV Technology.

Each section shall contain four questions carrying 20marks each.

The candidate will answer any five questions, choosing at-least two from each section.
The questioning techniques to be applied should seek for the candidate’s ability to comprehend, apply, analyse, synthesise and evaluate conditions.
The duration shall be three hours.

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