By | April 22, 2022

Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board Research Project

General considerations for the design and Research Projects

(1) Design and Research Projects shall be undertaken by Diploma students as specified in the curriculum of the respective program/course.

(2) The candidates shall prepare a proposal which shall follow the following format;

(a) Introduction/Background of the proposal or research study

(b) Statement of the problem

(c) Purpose of the project or research/General objective

(d) Specific objectives of research/project

(e) Scope of the project or research

(f) Significance or justification of the research/project

(g) Literature review

(h) Methodology

(i) References

The candidate shall submit a project or research report and the format as provided by the Board.

Marking of research reports/projects shall be done at the time of marking answer scripts and shall follow the marking guidelines format as provided by the Board.