By | January 9, 2020

Uganda AIDS Commission (UAC) was established under the Office of the President, by Statute of Parliament in 1992. The Commission is responsible for ensuring a focused and harmonized national response to HIV/AIDS throughout the country.

The Uganda AIDS Commission Act requires the Commission to oversee, plan and coordinate HIV prevention and control activities throughout Uganda with the following key roles:

  1. Formulate policy and establish program priorities for the control of the HIV/AIDS epidemic and management of its consequences throughout the country,
  2. Ensure proper planning and coordination of all HIV/AIDS control policies and programs within the overall program strategy,
  3. Identify obstacles to the implementation of HIV/AIDS control policies and programs and ensure the implementation and attainment of program activities and targets,
  4. Mobilize, expedite and monitor resources for the HIV/AIDS control program and activities,
  5. Disseminate information on the AIDS epidemic and its consequences in Uganda and on the program activities for its control,
  6. Supervise all activities relating to the control of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uganda,
  7. Perform such other functions relating to the prevention or control of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Uganda, as the Commission may deem necessary.

How to Apply for Uganda AIDS Commission Vacancies

Apply for Uganda AIDS Commission Vacancies

Contact Details

Uganda AIDS Commission

Plot 1-3 Salim Bay Rd, Ntinda

P.O Box 10779, Kampala,Uganda 

Phone: + 256 414 288065

