By | January 9, 2020

The Atomic Energy Council was established by the Atomic Energy Act, 2008 with the mandate to regulate the peaceful applications of ionising radiation; to provide for protection and safety of individuals, society and the environment from the dangers resulting from ionizing radiation; to provide for the production and use of radiation sources and the management of radioactive waste; to provide for compliance with international safety requirements forthe use of ionising radiation, radiation protection and security of radioactive sources.

The Atomic Energy Council is a corporate body, with perpetual succession and common seal. It is independent in the performance of its functions and duties and in the exercise of its powers and not subject to the direction or control of any person or authority.

The Atomic Energy Council is made up of a policy organ, the Council (Board) and the technical organ, the Secretariat. The Council has five members appointed by the minister and approved by cabinet. The Council reports to the minister. The Council/Board has five committees namely; Human Resource Committee; Finance, Planning and Administration Committee; Technical Committee; Legal and Audit Committee and Corporate Affairs Committee.

The Secretariat implements the policies, decisions and programmes of the Council.It is headed by the secretary who is the Chief Executive Officer and reports to the Council. The Secretariat is composed of technical staff (Radiation Protection Officers (RPOs) and administration staff.

The Atomic Energy Act, 2008 applies to:

a) Every person whose practice involves or includes the production, processing, handling, use, holding, storage, transport or disposal of natural and artificial radioactive material and devices emitting ionising radiation;

(b) Any other practice which involves a risk of harm arising from ionising radiation or a radioactive source;

(c) A facility which serves purposes of, or performs functions in the course of which ionising radiation is created or is capable of being created;

(d) All situations involving exposure or the potential for exposure to ionising radiation, except those which are excluded from the Standards.

How to Apply for Uganda Atomic Energy Council Vacancies

Apply for Uganda Atomic Energy Council Vacancies

Contact Details

Toll Free Number: +256414696333/5 


Contact AECuganda Address Amber House,
3rd floor, Room C301 Plot 29/33 ,
Kampala Road;
P O BOX 7044,