By | January 3, 2023

Uganda Christian University Admission Intakes

Uganda Christian University Intakes – Apply Now:

UCU offers a number of degree and diploma programmes which are designed to develop a cadre of professionals with integrity, power of critical enquiry, logical thought and independent judgment with a Christian perspective. They are offered in three
intakes of September, January and May Semesters as outlined below:

Uganda Christian University September Admission

Uganda Christian University January Admission Intake

Uganda Christian University May Admission Intake

Before you apply, click on the links below for information:

List of Courses Offered at Uganda Christian University

Uganda Christian University Fees Structure

Uganda Christian University Admission Requirements

The University will receive application forms for the September intake according to the set deadline dates obtained from the admissions office or our Website: /admissions.

Uganda Christian University Applications

In Uganda applications forms are available at a non-refundable fee of Uganda shs 50,000/= from; Admissions Office, at the main campus.

Forms can also be obtained from,

Bishop Barham University College, Kabale

P.O.Box 613, Kabale

And the Campuses of Mbale and Arua

Online /admissions.

Applications downloaded on line should be paid for on submission of the application form.

Uganda Christian University Selection for Admission

Initially the selection letter for admission for those who qualify is provisional. It does not give the applicant an entitlement to a place at the University. It is subject to confirmation according to the instructions set in it.

Uganda Christian University International Students Admissions

Uganda Christian University Application Forms

Uganda Christian University Application Procedure