By | January 9, 2020

Uganda Export Promotion Board (UEPB) is the national focal point for export promotion and development. Our role is to help you export your products and services out of Uganda. We offer support services to exporters in Uganda and foreign buyers including market information, assistance with entering and establishing in new export markets, business linkages, export product development and capacity building. Click here to read more about what we do.

Uganda Export Promotion Board is a public Trade Support Institution (TSI). Our fundamental role is to facilitate and coordinate the development and promotion of Uganda’s exports. As such our core functions, as enshrined in the Act, are to;

  • Provide trade and market information services
  • Promote and coordinate the development of exports
  • Provide trade promotional services
  • Provide customized advisory services
  • Formulate and recommend to Government export plans, policies and strategies

Accordingly we are structured in to two (2) service departments – Export Market & Product Development (EMPD) and Trade Information Division (TID). The statutory functions guide our service portfolio which is structured under five (5) pillars as below. These are geared towards “Helping you(the exporter) to export.”

How to Apply for Uganda Export Promotion Board Vacancies

Apply for Uganda Export Promotion Board Vacancies