By | November 13, 2022

Uganda Institute Of Communication And Technology (UICT) Admissions and Intakes


The Academic Registrar of Uganda Institute of Information and Communications Technology (UICT) invite applications for Diploma and Certificate programme.

The details for the programmes are as follows:

(Entry requirements must have been obtained at the same sitting)SEMESTER
Diploma (Day , Evening and Weekend Session )
Diploma in Telecommunications Engineering (TE)Either: UACE with at least a principal pass in Math or Physics and 2655,000/=
.subsidiary passes plus at least a credit in either Math or physics and 4
other passes at O’Level. OR: UCE/O’ level with at least 3 credits one of
which should be in either Math or Physics, and a certificate in a
relevant discipline from a recognized institution. *1
Diploma in Computer Technology (DCT)Either: UACE with at least a principal pass in Math or Physics and 2655,000/=
subsidiary passes plus at least a credit in either Math or physics and 4
other passes at O’Level. OR: UCE/O’ level with at least 3 credits one of
which should be in either Math or Physics, and a certificate in a
relevant discipline from a recognized institution. *1
Diploma in Information Technology Science (ITS)UACE with at least a principal pass in any of the following subjects:655,000/=
Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Food and Nutrition,
Technical Drawing, Geography, Agriculture, Economics and
Entrepreneurship AND 2 subsidiary passes plus at least a credit in
Math or Physics and 4 other passes at O’Level. OR: UCE/O’ level with
at least three credits one of which should be in Math or Physics, and a
certificate in a relevant discipline from a recognized institution. *1
Diploma in Information Technology Business (ITB)Either: UACE with at least a principal pass and 2 subsidiary passes655,000/=
AND 5 passes at O’ Level. OR: UCE/O’ level with at least three credits
and a Certificate from a recognized institution;
Diploma in Business Administration (DBA)Same as above
Diploma in Human Resource Management (HRM)Same as above
Diploma in Records and Archives Management (RAM)Same as above500,000/=
Diploma in Accounting and Finance (DAF)Either: Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least500,000/=
one principal pass in Economics or Mathematics with two subsidiaries,
and the Uganda Certificate of Education (U.C.E) or its equivalent; with
five passes including a credit in Mathematics.
Or: A relevant certificate from a recognized Institution of higher
learning and the Uganda Certificate of Education (U.C.E) or its
equivalent; with five passes including a credit in Mathematics.
Diploma in Procurement and Logistics ManagementEither: Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) or its500,000/=
(PLM)equivalent with at least one principal pass in any subject and 2
subsidiaries, and Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with 5 passes
including a credit in English or Mathematics
OR: A relevant certificate from a recognized institution of higher
learning and Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with 3 credits
including Mathematics and English
Certificate (Day , Evening and Weekend session)
One Year Certificate in Information andUACE certificate with at least a subsidiary pass in Math or Physics and450,000/=
Communications Technology (CIT)at least 3 Credit passes at O’ Level one of which should be in Math or
Two Year Certificate in Information andAt least 3 Credit passes at O’ Level one of which should be in Math or450,000/=
Communications Technology (CIT)Physics.
One Year Certificate in Library and Information ScienceUganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least a350,000/=
(CLIS)subsidiary pass in any subject and a Uganda Certificate of Education
or its equivalent with at least 3 Credit passes.
Two Year Certificate in Library and Information ScienceUganda Certificate of Education or its equivalent with at least 3 Credit350,000/=
One Year Certificate in Business and ManagementUACE certificate with at least a subsidiary pass in any subject and at350,000/=
Studies (CBM)least 3 Credit passes at O’ Level.
Two Year Certificate in Business and ManagementUganda Certificate of Education or its equivalent with at least 3 Credit350,000/=
Studies (CBM)passes

The above amounts are subject to revision.

Note: *1 The duration of the certificate considered for diploma admission is at least 9 calendar months

2.Study Duration: two years for all Diploma programmes and one year for certificate programmes. 3 The charges above exclude administrative charges which are payable annually.

4 Payment Schedule for Administrative charges is as attached;

Diploma ProgrammesAmountCertificate ProgrammesAmount


Application forms and detailed information about the programs and scholarships may be obtained from the address given below. Completed application forms with copies of academic certificates together with testimonials and evidence of payment of Application fees of 20,000/ugshs


Uganda Institute of Information and Communications Technology (UICT)

Plot 19-12 Port Bell Road, Nakawa

P.O Box 7187, Kampala

Tel: 256-41- 4505493/4220490 Fax: 256-41-4222266 E-mail: Website:

Note 1: Hostel charge is 440,000/= per semester for those who need Hostel facilities.

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