Uganda Institute Of Communication And Technology (UICT) E Learning

Welcome to Uganda Institute of Information and Communication Technology (UICT) Electronic Library (E-Library). The UICT E-Library is a collection of digital scholarly publications, including books and journal articles, government publications, electronic thesis and dissertations, Newspaper Indexes, UICT guidelines and manuals, and digitized UICT past-papers and regulations.
This is the official electronic library (E-Library) of Uganda Institute of Information and Communication Technology. Being a hybrid library, the UICT Library contains a mix of traditional print library resources searchable through the Library Catalogue.
Accessing UICT e-Library
Click here to access UICT e-Library
- You are most welcome to our eCampus. Click at the top right drop down menu where your username appears to edit your profile and to add your photo. The access to any of the courses requires you to be a user in the system. In the meantime you can browse through our courses and get acquainted with the summaries. This will lead you to how you can get credentials to our system.
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Uganda Institute Of Communication And Technology (UICT) Admission Requirements
Uganda Institute Of Communication And Technology (UICT) Courses Offered
Uganda Institute Of Communication And Technology (UICT) Students Portal Login
Uganda Institute Of Communication And Technology (UICT) Online Application
UICT, Plot 19-21 Port Bell Road, Nakawa
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