By | February 12, 2020

The Faculty of Business Administration and Management (BAM) welcomes you to Uganda Martyrs University (UMU). We wish you all the best for your studies

The Faculty of Business Administration and Management, Uganda Martyrs University, offers the following undergraduate programme: Bachelor of Business Administration and Management (B.BAM).

The course on offer provides an academic curriculum which aims at blending managerial theory and practice. By the end of the three-year degree programme, the graduate will have acquired adequate knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable him/her to perform varied managerial tasks. Graduates of the Faculty should have also mastered and internalised certain ethical values which will add an extra dimension to the skills they bring to professional position

Courses Offered

E4IMPACT Master of Business Administration (Social Entrepreneurship)

Master of Business Administration

Bachelor of Arts in Micro Finance and Community Economic Development

Bachelor of Business Administration and Management

Bachelor of Procurement and Supply Chain Management

Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance

Bachelor of Science in Development Economics

Bachelor of Science in Economics and Natural Resource Management

Diploma in Business Administration and Management

Diploma in Procurement and Stores Management

Diploma in Records and Information Management

Certificate in Secretarial Studies and Office Management

Certificate in Business Administration and Management

Admission Requirement

ENTRY REQUIREMENTS B.BAM The Uganda Certificate of Education and a minimum of two principal passes, acquired at a single session on the Uganda Advanced Certificate preferably in Economics and Mathematics, or Geography, History, etc.

FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS Refer to the Finance Officer.

APPLICATIONS Application forms can be obtained from:

The Registry Uganda Martyrs University

P. O. Box 5498 Kampala

Tel: (+ 256) 045 466 0084 Fax: (+256) 038 410100

E-mail: or visit our Kampala office at: Uganda Catholic Social Training Centre – Rubaga