By | January 10, 2020

The Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) was established by the National Authority Act, No. 15 of 2006. UNRA became operational on 1st July 2008. The mandate of UNRA is to develop and maintain the national roads network, advise Government on general roads policy and contribute to addressing of transport concerns.

This, which is enshrined in the UNRA Act, means that UNRA shall construct and maintain roads to the set standards and at the lowest possible cost without compromising the quality of its products and services to ensure safe transportation of all road users, goods and services along the national road network.

In addition, UNRA’s products and services will aid the development of the economy by reducing transport costs which will help make the country’s investment climate more competitive. Furthermore, the national roads will play a strategic role in enhancing connectivity of economic zones and spur the growth of vital sectors such as Tourism, Agriculture, Mining, Oil and Gas development, and Trade and commerce.

How to Apply for Uganda National Roads Authority Vacancies

Apply for Uganda National Roads Authority Vacancies

Contact Details

Plot 3-5 New Port Bell Road,
UAP Nakawa Business Park,
P.O. Box 28487 Kampala

+256 414 318 111
+256 312 233 100
+256 414 318 000

Toll Free Lines
0800 100 811

WhatsApp Line
