By | October 28, 2022

UNEB Manager Of Reprographics Job Vacancy


Responsible to:         Director Technology and Reprographics

Responsible for:       Deputy Manager

  1. Salary Scale             EB 3U
  2. Purpose of the Job:

To head the department of Reprographics and as such and manage all the printing activities at the Printery.

  1. Main Duties and Responsibilities:
  • Directing and controlling the staff of the department to ensure that they carry out their responsibilities effectively in line with set targets.
  • Ensuring that all the examinations and examinations materials for the Board are securely produced and as scheduled.
  • Raising income for the Board by undertaking quality printing works for external customers, particularly other examination bodies.
  • Ensuring proper maintenance of production facilities to sustain steady production
  • Reviewing, monitoring, and making periodic recommendations for updating the production facilities following departmental business plans and management decisions.
  • Reviewing and monitoring production systems security, integrity, and disaster preparedness and making recommendations for smooth production continuity.
  • Studying and monitoring printing industry trends/emerging technologies and advising management on the best solutions to adopt to optimize output.
  • Guiding and advising on the development of marketing commercial printing activities for income generation.
  • Supervising, mentoring, motivating, and managing the performance and development of staff in line with the Board’s goals, objectives, policies, and regulations.
  1. Key Performance Indicators:
  • Examinations materials properly printed
  • Production facilities properly managed
  • New production technologies introduced
  • Efficient, monitored, appraised, and harmonious staff.
  1. Key Decision Making
  • Guides printing activities
  • Assignment of specific tasks to staff.
  • Identifies new production technologies
  • Sources and guides new production of commercial work.
  1. Person Specification:
  • Academic/Professional Qualifications
  • Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Print Production
  • Master’s degree in Production Management or a related field.
  • Work Experience
  • Minimum of 12 years’ experience, 3 of which should have been in the printing industry at the level of Principal Officer/Management level with experience in marketing of printing services.
  • Skills/Competencies/Attributes
  • Ability to work as part of a team and to develop subordinates.
  • Excellent interpersonal management skills
  • Oral and written communication skills.
  • Strategic and conceptual ability.
  • Proven ability of multitasking and meet timelines.
  • High degree of integrity and confidentiality
  1. Terms of Service:

Contract of five years renewable upon satisfactory performance.


  • Address:
    35 Matyrs’ Way Ntinda, Kampala, UGANDA.
  • Working hours:
    Mon – Fri: 8AM – 5PM
  • Call us Toll Free: