United African University of Tanzania (UAUT) Postgraduate Admissions

The management of the United African University of Tanzania (UAUT) hereby invites applications from suitable candidates for admission for the 2023/2024 academic year. Interested applicants should adhere to the information provided below.
This page provides a list of all programmes, as well as the respective academic entry requirements and graduation requirements. It is therefore advisable to consult Principals, Dean, Directors, and Heads of Departments responsible for the respective programmes for the most updated and more information about the programmes.
UAUT Admission Application Form 2023/2024.
The Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic, Research, and Consultancy, United African University of Tanzania (UAUT) invites suitably qualified candidates for admission into various programmes for the academic year.
The United African University of Tanzania, UAUT admission application form is open to all qualified applicants irrespective of color, race, ethnic identity, religion, gender, or national origin.
Interested candidates may apply to any of the United African University of Tanzania Undergraduate, postgraduate, master, diploma, doctorate, bachelor’s, pre-master, distance learning, International, MBA, or Ph.D. programs (Courses) at any time and be admitted subject to fulfilling UAUT admission requirements 2023/2024.
How to Apply For UAUT Admission Online.
All application processes are done on the school’s official website.
Applicants are required to apply online through this portal and follow the instructions given to complete their applications.
In case of Technical Problems during the application process
please contact our IT Staff at +2023/202455 (0) 713 575 372023/2024 or +2023/202455 (0) 786 965 507.
For issues to deal with courses of study and clarifications of Entry requirements please contact our Admissions office at +2023/202455 (0) 684 505 012023/2024 or +2023/202455 (0) 718 12023/20241 102023/2024 .
Applicants must: Carefully read and understand the Programmes Admission Requirements
For more information and inquiries, you can contact the United African University of Tanzania by visiting the institution’s official website or campus.
- United African University of Tanzania Website: https://www.uaut.ac.tz/