University of Bagamoyo (UB) Postgraduate Courses Offered

Masters of Science in Geoinformatics (M.Sc. GI)
Masters of Science in Geomatics (M.Sc. GM)
Masters of Science in Information Technology (M.Sc. IT)
Masters of Science in Computer Science (M.Sc. CS)
Masters of Science in Mathematics and Statistics (M.Sc. MTS)
- Postgraduate Diploma in Education
- Postgraduate Teaching Certificate
- M A [Education]
General M.A.- Education: This program comprises a core program and three options Core Courses [3] Optional or Streams [2 courses] plus a Dissertation. The three options are;-
- Educational Management and Administration
- Educational Psychology and Assessment
- Curriculum and Teaching
- The Institute for Education (Research, Consultancy, and Short-term Training):
This Institute is responsive in the sense of meeting society’s needs and demands; however, some proactive annual training courses will be a permanent feature.