University Of Dar es Salaam Registration

Registration Process
1. Candidates will be registered either for coursework study followed by research leading to a dissertation or by research leading to a thesis without a prescribed coursework component.
2. Candidates may register as full-time or part-time students. Registration will take place during the first three weeks of Semester I and Semester II for the respective intakes.
3. Candidates selected for admission shall be required to register at the commencement of the first academic year of their studies.
4. Registration shall take place in the first three weeks of the respective academic year and shall be effected upon submission by the candidate of a dully filled registration form and upon submission of the following:
a. Evidence of payment of the University fees;
b. Masters Academic transcripts (applicable for PhD. students)
c. Masters Degree Certificate (applicable for PhD. students)
d. Postgraduate Diploma Transcript and University Certificate (for students whose GPA for Bachelor Degree is below minimum entry qualification i.e. below 2.7)
e. Bachelor Degree Academic Transcript (GPA must be above 2.7)
f. Bachelor Degree University Certificate
g. Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSE)
h. Certificate of Secondary Education Examination (CSEE)
i. Proof of Health insurance scheme
j. Two stamp-size (or passport-size) color photographs; and
5. Candidates shall renew their registration at the beginning of every subsequent year by submitting a duly filled form (UDSM/PG.F2) and upon paying the fees due to the University.
6. Failure to renew registration shall lead to automatic discontinuation from studies.
7. Registration of new and continuing students shall take place within three weeks from the first day of the commencement of the academic year. Students seeking registration during the fourth week shall be liable to a surcharge paid per day as the Council may from time to time prescribe. No student shall be registered after the fourth week since the commencement of the semester.
8. Candidates shall only be registered by names appearing on their certificates or a gazetted Deed Poll showing a legal change of names before registration. No change of names by students shall be entertained during the course of study at the University.
9. Candidate’s desirous of changing subjects/courses/programme shall be allowed to do so after registration and within three weeks after commencement of the academic year. No candidate shall be allowed to change subjects/courses/programmes after the fourth week of commencement of the semester.
10. With valid reasons candidates within their studentships may apply for permission to change their study programme delivery modes and campus transfer within the University of Dar es Salaam from DVC academic using UDSM/PG.F4.
11. Transferring from one academic programme to another will be allowed only if the candidate possesses the required admission criteria for the programme for which transfer is being sought and a vacancy exists in that programme.
12. Every registered candidate is required to submit a progress report (through the ARIS online system) to his/her supervisor who shall forward to the College/School/Institute through the Head of Department.
13. A candidate who fails to submit a progress report within six months of the due date of submission shall be required to show cause in writing for his/her failure to show progress in studies.