By | August 7, 2023

University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) Application For KAS Scholarships For Master Of Arts In Ethics Of Governance And Public Service


The University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) through the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies

announces three (3) Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) fully funded scholarships for the eighteen-month

Master of Arts degree program in Ethics of Governance and Public Service (MA EGPS) for the academic

year 2023/2024.

MA EGPS is multidisciplinary, combining team-taught courses in the Humanities, Development Studies, Political Science, and Law. Courses taught include Ethics in Public Administration, Public Service Ethics in Tanzania, Ethics of Leadership and Management, Legal Aspects of Governance, Business Ethics, and Ethics of Public Health.


Suitable candidates for this scholarship must fulfill these minimum requirements: –

 Must be a Tanzanian below 35 years of age.

 Holds a Bachelor’s degree (with a 3.8 GPA or above) in any professional or academic field.

 Must be able and ready to work in multidisciplinary and multicultural research settings.

 Must have been admitted or show evidence that he or she has already applied for the 18-month program in MA EGPS for the 2023/2024 academic year.

Scholarship Value:

This scholarship will cover tuition fees, stipend, and research costs as stipulated in the UDSM postgraduate fee structure.

How to apply:

Applicants must submit a complete application package with the following:

i. An application cover letter with your full and current contact details

ii. Your CV & academic transcripts

iii. Two reference letters from your instructors in the undergraduate program

iv. A statement of intent/purpose not more than 500 words

v. Admission letter or reference details of your online application to the MA EGPS program of UDSM

Send your application to the departmental coordinator of postgraduate studies at: no later than midnight 8th October 2023.

ALL INQUIRIES for more info and any questions should be directed to the Head of the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies by E-mail: or by

phone: +255 755 368 403.