University of Iringa (UOI) Selection Lists

Dear selected students,
It is our great pleasure to inform you that those whose names appear on the list below have been selected to join the University of Iringa (UoI).
Please click on the links below to view your selection status and follow the instructions provided.
- All Students – Round One, Two, and Three
- Certificate – Round One, Two, and Three
- Diploma – Round One, Two, and Three
- Postgraduate Programmes – Round One, Two, and Three
- Bachelor Degree All
- Single Admission Round One, Two, and Three
- Multiple Admission Round One, Two, and Three
- Applicants with MULTIPLE admission status are advised to login into their application account via and request CONFIRMATION CODE. The CODE will be sent to your phone and e-mail address, use the CODE to CONFIRM your admission at UoI in the box provided.
- The deadline for admission confirmation will be 24th October 2023. Failure to confirm by the deadline will indicate that you have not accepted the offer and your slot will be filled by other applicants
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0743 802615 0677048774 0745841055 0657454125 0786886445 0621070138 0625543321
0711923710 0659215367 0674249097 0620699454 0765070300 0753434537 07550718170688109605 0743574865 0716183765