By | June 22, 2019

University of Zululand (Unizulu) Residences / Accommodation


Student residences are a home-away-from-home where an environment conducive to learning is cultivated. Residences aim to create a healthy learning environment where students from diverse backgrounds can co-exist and enjoy basic rights.

Important notes

  • Accommodation in the university residences is not a right but a privilege;
  • Each student will sign a declaration that will bind him/her to the rules of the residences;
  • Residents are financially responsible for payment of a full term’s occupation irrespective of the date of occupation;
  • A resident is supposed to occupy the room that he/she is allocated failing which the room will be given to another deserving student.

Cancellation of accommodation

  • All cancellation of accommodation must be in writing and delivered to the respective warden;
  • Retrospective cancellation of accommodation is discouraged.


  • Non-residents are not allowed inside the residences;
  • Residents must seek permission from residences and/or security personnel if they have visitors;
  • Resident found assisting non-residents to gain entrance into the residences will be charged accordingly;
  • Damage to the university property is a serious offence;
  • Resident/s are warned against engaging in vandalism as he/she shall be responsible for all repair or replacement costs;
  • Residents must report breakages to the house committee member or sub-warden;

Residence applications open in August until all spaces are taken – information on fees will be provided once applications have opened.

Contact for further queries.