UNMEB Circulars/Updates Guiding Student Admissions

UNMEB 2023/2024 Circulars/Updates Guiding Student Admissions

UNMEB Circulars/Updates Guiding Student Admissions 2023-2024 | Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board UNMEB has released all UNMEB Updates and Circulars Guiding Student Admissions in the Health Training Institutions for 2023-2024 academic year…Read full details below:

This Is to remind you that the admission of students In Health training Institutions Is
done as follows:

(I) All certificate courses are admitted once a year In November.

(II) All diploma programmes for extension are admitted once a year In May. These are students who have worked for 2 years and registered with Nurses Council and should apply through their employer.

(III) The direct students i.e. from 5.6 for Diploma programmes are admitted by the JAB Committee and are sent to Government Schools and the training commences in November. Those who wish to apply for private sponsorship can contact the schools directly.

NOTE: Private Health Training Institutions are hereby informed that to admit students in category (I), (II), the schools must have a license or Certificate of Registration clearly spelling out the number of students and the programmes the school is to offer. In the absence of any of the two documents the school is regarded as illegal.

The proprietors in such category are advised to endeavor and apply for a licence. The institutions that would wish to train direct students from 5.6 need to have permission in writing from Ministry of Education, Science Technology and Sport.

Elizabeth. K.M. Gabona

For more information and inquiries, contact the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board on:

Contact Address of Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board

All correspondence to the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board must be addressed to:





Location:  Plot 157 Ssebowa Road, Kiwatule, Nakawa division,

Kampala –Uganda (East Africa).

P.O. Box 3513, Kampala (Uganda).