Water Institute (WI) Short Courses Offered

The Institute offers several short-term continuing education/ professional development courses which are usually non-accredited. The prospective participant can apply for admission to a course chosen from the list of options or an organization can make a special request for a made-to-order (tailor-made) course.
See Also: Water Institute (WI) Application Forms
These courses are aimed at enabling the participant to learn up-to-date skills required for performing the tasks of his current occupation or acquire additional skills required for performing the tasks in his occupation or learn the skills required in a different occupation he wants to enter. Details on course titles, contents, target participants, required minimum qualifications, duration, dates, and fees are available in our website.
Check: Water Institute (WI) Courses Offered
A variety of ready-made courses are offered which focus on skill areas required for water resources management and water services provision/ management. Alternatively, an organization can request training of its personnel in a made-to-order (tailor-made) course.
The List below are some of the short courses offered:
1 | Advance Hydraulic Analysis Simulation Using Epanet | 2 Weeks | 600,000 |
2 | Advanced Wastewater Treatment Technology | 1 Week | 600,000 |
3 | Advanced Water Treatment Processes | 1 Week | 500,000 |
4 | Assets Management | 1 Week | 450,000 |
5 | Attaining Excellence in Customer Service | 1 Week | 450,000 |
6 | Basics of Dams Safety Engineering | 1 Week | 500,000 |
7 | Basics of Earthen Dam Design | 1 Week | 500,000 |
8 | Basics of Water Pump Electrical Installations. | 1 Week | 500,000 |
9 | Basics of Water Pump Mechanics | 1 Week | 500,000 |
52 | Developing a Customer Relations Strategy | 2 Week | 800,000 |
10 | Collection, processing, and analysis of hydrological data | 1 Week | 450,000 |
11 | Contract Management for Water Sector | 1 Week | 450,000 |
12 | Customer Acquisition and Retention Strategies | 1 Week | 450,000 |
13 | Design of Hydro-Meteorological Network | 1 Week | 450,000 |
14 | Design, Operation and Maintenance of Drip Irrigation Systems. | 2 Weeks | 600,000 |
15 | Effective Reporting, Minutes writing, and Presentation skills. | 1 Week | 450,000 |
16 | Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Drip Irrigation Systems. | 1 Week | 450,000 |
17 | Electronic Topographic Surveying | 2 Weeks | 450,000 |
18 | Establishment and Maintenance of Hydro-meteorological Gauging Stations | 1 Week | 500,000 |
19 | Financial Management | 1 Week | 450,000 |
20 | Geotechnical Site Investigation | 2 Weeks | 600,000 |
21 | GIS Applications | 1 Week | 450,000 |
22 | Groundwater Exploration | 1 Week | 600,000 |
23 | Hydraulic Analysis Simulation Using Epanet | 1 Week | 450,000 |
24 | Hydraulic Analysis Simulation Using Epanet through the utilization of a partial network | 2 Weeks | 600,000 |
25 | Hydraulic Analysis/ Simulation Using Excel Spreadsheet | 1 Week | 450,000 |
26 | Hydraulic Modeling/ Simulation Using Excel spreadsheet and Data Managed by GIS | 2 Weeks | 600,000 |
27 | Hydrogeology and Water Well Drilling | 1 Week | 600,000 |
28 | Information search skills and scientific writing for research-based projects. | 1 Week | 450,000 |
29 | Introduction to Contract Management | 1 Week | 450,000 |
30 | Introduction to Procurement Contracts. | 1 Week | 450,000 |
31 | Leadership Skills Development in Public Sector | 1 Week | 450,000 |
32 | Leadership Skills Development. | 1 Week | 450,000 |
33 | Monitoring and Evaluation of Programmes and Projects in Public and Private Sectors | 1 Week | 450,000 |
34 | Plumbing and Pipe Fittings | 1 Week | 450,000 |
40 | Programming for hydro-meteorological data processing and analysis | 1 Week | 450,000 |
35 | Project Management | 1 Week | 450,000 |
36 | Projects and Construction Management | 1 Week | 450,000 |
37 | Public Procurement and Force Account | 1 Week | 450,000 |
38 | Public Relations and Corporate Communications | 1 Week | 450,000 |
39 | Pumping Test Technology | 1 Week | 450,000 |
Contact & Address
Ministry of Water
Water Institute – WI,
P. o. Box 35059, Dsm.,
Off – Sam Nujoma Rd, University Road, Ubungo, Dsm.
Fax : 255222410404
Phone: 255222410040 , 0735900907 , 0747900904
Email: rector@waterinstitute.ac.tz