By | June 14, 2023

Water Institute (WI) Short Courses Offered

The Institute offers several short-term continuing education/ professional development courses which are usually non-accredited. The prospective participant can apply for admission to a course chosen from the list of options or an organization can make a special request for a made-to-order (tailor-made) course.

See Also: Water Institute (WI) Application Forms

These courses are aimed at enabling the participant to learn up-to-date skills required for performing the tasks of his current occupation or acquire additional skills required for performing the tasks in his occupation or learn the skills required in a different occupation he wants to enter. Details on course titles, contents, target participants, required minimum qualifications, duration, dates, and fees are available in our website.

Check: Water Institute (WI) Courses Offered

A variety of ready-made courses are offered which focus on skill areas required for water resources management and water services provision/ management. Alternatively, an organization can request training of its personnel in a made-to-order (tailor-made) course.

The List below are some of the short courses offered:

1Advance Hydraulic Analysis Simulation Using Epanet2 Weeks600,000
2Advanced Wastewater Treatment Technology1 Week600,000
3Advanced Water Treatment Processes1 Week500,000
4Assets Management1 Week450,000
5Attaining Excellence in Customer Service1 Week450,000
6Basics of Dams Safety Engineering1 Week500,000
7Basics of Earthen Dam Design1 Week500,000
8Basics of Water Pump Electrical Installations.1 Week500,000
9Basics of Water Pump Mechanics1 Week500,000
52Developing a Customer Relations Strategy2 Week800,000
10Collection, processing, and analysis of hydrological data1 Week450,000
11Contract Management for Water Sector1 Week450,000
12Customer Acquisition and Retention Strategies1 Week450,000
13Design of Hydro-Meteorological Network1 Week450,000
14Design, Operation and Maintenance of Drip Irrigation Systems.2 Weeks600,000
15Effective Reporting, Minutes writing, and Presentation skills.1 Week450,000
16Design, Operation, and Maintenance of Drip Irrigation Systems.1 Week450,000
17Electronic Topographic Surveying2 Weeks450,000
18Establishment and Maintenance of Hydro-meteorological Gauging Stations1 Week500,000
19Financial Management1 Week450,000
20Geotechnical Site Investigation2 Weeks600,000
21GIS Applications1 Week450,000
22Groundwater Exploration1 Week600,000
23Hydraulic Analysis Simulation Using Epanet1 Week450,000
24Hydraulic Analysis Simulation Using Epanet through the utilization of a partial network2 Weeks600,000
25Hydraulic Analysis/ Simulation Using Excel Spreadsheet1 Week450,000
26Hydraulic Modeling/ Simulation Using Excel spreadsheet and Data Managed by GIS2 Weeks600,000
27Hydrogeology and Water Well Drilling1 Week600,000
28Information search skills and scientific writing for research-based projects.1 Week450,000
29Introduction to Contract Management1 Week450,000
30Introduction to Procurement Contracts.1 Week450,000
31Leadership Skills Development in Public Sector1 Week450,000
32Leadership Skills Development.1 Week450,000
33Monitoring and Evaluation of Programmes and Projects in Public and Private Sectors1 Week450,000
34Plumbing and Pipe Fittings1 Week450,000
40Programming for hydro-meteorological data processing and analysis1 Week450,000
35Project Management1 Week450,000
36Projects and Construction Management1 Week450,000
37Public Procurement and Force Account1 Week450,000
38Public Relations and Corporate Communications1 Week450,000
39Pumping Test Technology1 Week450,000

Contact & Address

Ministry of Water
Water Institute – WI,
P. o. Box 35059, Dsm.,
Off – Sam Nujoma Rd, University Road, Ubungo, Dsm.
Fax : 255222410404
Phone: 255222410040 , 0735900907 , 0747900904