Where To Buy Pics Bags In Uganda

Purdue Improved Crop Storage
The Purdue Improved Crop Storage (PICS) bags are a simple and cost-effective way of storing grain and seed without using chemicals to control insect pests. The PICS bag are 50kg. A PICS bag has three layers — two liners fitted inside a woven sack.
Pics bags can enable farmers to effectively protect their seeds and prevent storage losses.
The bags are distributed by several agro supply shops in Uganda including Bukoola Chemical Industries and cost about Shs7,000. They are available in 50 and 100kg capacity.
By dramatically reducing the threat of pest destruction of stored crop, Pics bags reduce the need for insecticides. Decreased reliance on insecticides also translates to lower costs for small farmers.
The bags are economical for many farmers costing Shs7,000. Although they are more expensive compared to traditional bags, farmers can use them for up to four years, as long as they don’t have any holes.
Another benefit is that they alleviate the need for farmers to sell harvests immediately to avoid risking losing the crop during storage.
In addition to bolstering the income potential of small farmers, Pics bags are practical for farmers as they serve as an easily-accessible source of food during times of shortage. Farmers can open them for consumption at any point.
The bags are portable enough for farmers to keep them on-farm, or even in their homes.
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