The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) E-Registration Portal

If your password is not working or if you forgot it, click reset link above and:
Ensure to provide your center number
Provide the phone number and email address registration for your center (Headmaster’s phone number or other contact number provided)
Remember, PASSWORD IS CASE SENSITIVE, meaning A is not equal to a, B not equal to b and so on…If your password has both uppercase and lowercase or lowercase or lowercase only or uppercase only, make sure to enter as such
Click here to login
Contact Us
Uganda National Examinations Board
35 Matyrs Way Ntinda, Kampala
Phone: +256 414 286635/6/7/8
Mobile: +256 414 286636
Fax: +256 414 286635
See Also:
UNEB Online Scouting Application Forms
UNEB Marking Application Form pdf
Check UNEB Results [PLE, UACE, UCE]
UNEB e-Services [Verification, Payments, Equating, Inspection]
Check UNEB Results via SMS or Online [Guide]
FAQ: Replace your UNEB Certificate or Slip