By | June 21, 2019

How to Apply to the University of Fort Hare (UFH)

1. Submit your application form and all the necessary documentation including application fee before closing date.

2. An SMS will be sent to you informing you of the status of your application thereafter a letter of confirmation.

3. Current matriculants who qualify based on their Grade 12 mid-term performance, are provisionally admitted pending the submission of their final matric results and subject to availability of space.

4. Successful applicants will receive an admission letter, together with a registration guide, which reflects the registration dates and orientation programme. It is important to note that all applicants who wrote the National Senior Certificate (NSC) are required to write the National Benchmark test (NBT) before they are allowed to register for their 1st year at University.

UFH Application and Acceptance Process

The application form must be completed in detail and signed by the student and his/her parent or guardian if he/she is a minor.

Once the form has been completed it must be sent to the Registrar by the date stipulated below, together with the prescribed application fee (R120.00). The final decision regarding the admission of an undergraduate candidate will be taken in January, when the Grade 12 results are available. The University will confirm the candidate’s admission in writing.

Click here to download the Application Form.

Application Fee:

R120.00 before September 30th .

Important dates:

01 June : Applications open.

30 September : Applications close.